2024 Conference Call for Papers
Plans are underway for the annual CBFA conference. This year’s theme is “Global Business for the Healing of the Nations.” In addition to the traditional Scholarly/Research presentation sessions, we will continue to offer our two innovative tracks: a Research Incubator track and a Teaching Talks track. Once again, we will not be hosting a poster session. We welcome (a) general papers, (b) pedagogical papers, (c) working papers, (d) panel discussions, and (e) teaching talks. All submissions should be on topics related to our conference theme or on other topics of interest to the CBFA membership.
Submission is now a single-step process. Click here to access and complete the conference submission form.
Submissions must be in Microsoft Word .docx format and follow the APA 7 Style Guide (see sample here).
The file name should include the first author’s last name and part of the document title (e.g., Holbrook-Scholarship.docx).
Remove identifying information from Document Properties (instructions for doing so can be found here). You may cite your own work(s) but do so in a way that does not reveal your identity as the author.
Prospective authors are encouraged to consider the reviewing criteria before finalizing submissions (view criteria here).
No author will be accepted as lead author for more than TWO sessions.
To expedite the process, submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be returned for rework before consideration.
The following submissions will be considered:
Submissions for 30- or 45-Minute Presentation Sessions (note: no virtual presentations)
General Papers - These are complete manuscripts. Dissertation-based papers are permitted but entire dissertations are not.
Pedagogical Papers - These are complete manuscripts demonstrating best practices in teaching.
Submissions for Research Incubator Sessions
Working Papers - These are manuscripts in progress. This session is an opportunity to share your ongoing research with faculty in related disciplines. Each moderated session will include three separate presentations with each presentation lasting 10 minutes. Audience members interact and share feedback/ideas with presenters at the end of the session.
Submissions for Panel Discussions
Panel Discussions - These submissions are very detailed proposals (three pages minimum) or complete manuscripts by experts discussing fresh (i.e., new) topics of interest to the membership (limited; subject to peer review and Board approval).
Submissions for Teaching Talks
Teaching Talks - These are informative, fast-paced, discipline-specific sessions. Submissions will be a description of your innovative ideas in teaching (300-word maximum). Sessions will be organized by discipline and facilitated by a Board member. Presenters will have five minutes (strictly managed by the facilitator). Any questions related to the Teaching Talks should be directed to Traci Pierce at tpierce.jbu.edu.
Submissions deemed inappropriate for one category (e.g., General Papers) may be offered space in another (e.g., Research Incubator).
Submission deadline: JULY 8, 2024 (no extension will be offered)
Help shape the conference program. Click here to be a reviewer.
Other Milestones:
Notification to authors/presenters: August 12, 2024
Conference registration deadline for presenters: September 20, 2024
Submission of author/presenter information to Guidebook: October 10, 2024
Invited papers (APA format) for electronic proceedings due: October 25, 2024
Pre-conference summit (hosted by Calvin): October 30-31, 2024
Please direct all academic program-related questions to:
Robert L. (Lenie) Holbrook, Jr., CBFA Conference Program Chair