CBFA Conference
Working Paper Review
Please use this form to provide feedback for Working Papers only (i.e., submissions with WK in the file name.)
Please carefully read the following information. Your evaluation will help determine whether the submission you reviewed will be offered a Research Incubator slot or declined for the upcoming conference. The 2024 conference theme is "Global Business for the Healing of Nations." Authors were encouraged to address this theme; however, we consider any submission that has a faith-based business focus and might be of interest to our membership. Please keep this in mind.
Keeping in mind that scholarship is one of the core values of CBFA, we ask that you heed the teachings of Romans 14:19 and 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Please provide substantive and constructive feedback to the author(s) in the comment section. There is additional space at the end of this form if you want to provide further explanation for your ratings (note: only the Program Chair will see this information.) Reviewer identities will remain anonymous. Please do not reveal your reviewer ID to anyone in order to protect your anonymity.
Please note that the review deadline is August 10. If you have questions, please contact Program Chair Dr. Lenie Holbrook at programs@cbfa.org.